Thursday, October 29, 2009

La Révolution de L'art et de Sang (The Revoltion of Art and Blood) Epilouge

It was a sight; you thought you would only see in history textbooks. An invading army marching through the Arc de Triumph. Giving strange salutes and marching to the enemy's anthem. People, being forced to cheer by gunpoint. Here I lived that oddly horrible moment. Only it wasn't an invading army that was marching under Napoleon's march it was our own...

Many years ago the new President of the United States John McClellan had made the bold campaign promise that the United States would be the greatest power in the world. He was charismatic and witty. The people loved him. He wanted an army to match those of Ancient Rome and Napoleon’s Grand Army. The people didn't care he kissed babies and flag waved like a pro. His pathos was impeccable, bold and daring while accessible to the common man. They probably would have given him their virginity if any of them still had it. Politicians were as interested in "family values" as a teenager is those annoying priggish "STAY SOBER" assembly’s schools still foolishly waste money on. Honestly if a kid is going to do drugs he will not change his mind because of one assembly. He had won in a landslide.

I was only 21 at the time of the elections and had flown back from Paris, where I was studying the history of individualist ideals, and the women, they may say French people are rude but the women are Sac le bleu, just to vote for McClellan.

Soon after, things started to change. At first it was little things. You couldn't leave your house after 10 o'clock. He declared marshal law when people did not comply. He "monitored" the media. Though they still could print anything they wanted but some outspoken editors were unceremoniously fired after one criticizing comment. This after the transparency of the Obama administration. He limited road travel to those with computer tracking chips in their cars; people were claiming this was the first sign of Armageddon. Then he limited travel to solders claiming contemptuously that “The enemies of the public, are using these roads to kill the mercenaries of peace” it was ridiculous. He cut off all international travel the day after I returned to Paris. I would have to go to the Thanksgiving dinner, halelighia. No dry turkey dinner this year. Then he sent the army in to suspend congress and the constitution.

The only way I found out about this was through the French media, all American newspaper buildings had been burned in freak "accident" and could not repair their damage. Their reporters never failed to send something important, any news was big news.I read every paper, listened to every radio broadcast. Then the news the world had feared most of all. "EXTRA Américain armée mobilise aux stations de ports tout autour du monde nucléaire Bomb réactivé et pointu vers les grandes nations" The American army had mobilized and opened nuclear stations around the world.

At that point McClellan had appointed himself "Master and Lord Protectorate of the Imperial Nation of America". When that reached Paris a few of my American friends just looked at each other and, in our minds, said "Oh, shit." One person in the room said (in French) "Any bets on how long it will take for the imperial bastard to start marching down our throat." We all laughed at the time.

Soon those nations with nukes staring down their throat signed non aggression pacts with the “Imperial Nation” fearing for their own safety. Those of us well versed in history knew that this wouldn’t work. Europe tried the same tactic of appeasement with Hitler and we knew how that ended. Admittedly I still had a ray of hope that the zealous people of the United States of America would cast off the “Master and Lord” and restore order. That hope was dashed when troubling news came across the radio. “Uprising attempt staged in Grant Park, Chicago, Times Square, New York, Dealey Plaza, Dallas and many other places all are brutally put down death toll in the thousands.” We all knew that the government’s purpose now was total domination.

There were few in Paris who concerned themselves with the details coming out of America. You could tell who the few who listened by the fact that they found the need to protect themselves. The French people almost never owned guns. I understand why it’s probably one of the safest countries in the world. Life here was melancholic, same things happened as the day before. New things made the news and most of the news was good before this. Even in the large city's ghettos there were few “random” killings and even fewer murders. Those who did break the law were brought to swift justice. It was interesting to see such peaceful people,up in arms

Fin de Epilouge

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I did not ... Oh Wait I Did Have Sexual Relations With That Woman and it was good

James Powel
Ms. Kim
CP English 10 1
1 October 2009

In 1997, the worst thing that a president had ever done was commission a bad bank robbery. In 1998, Nixon’s Watergate had a competitor for the title of worst presidential scandal, Bill Clinton's Oral, I mean, Oval Office scandal. In 1993, an investigation was opened into then President Bill and Hillary Clinton's real estate dealings by Republican judge Kenneth Starr. Though the Clintons were acquitted of any wrong doing, the republican Witch Hunt opened up a can of political worms. They found the President's concubine Monica Lewinsky. Being the "Family Values" party,(just look at Duke Cunningham and Mark Foley) they were outraged at the idea of a President going outside of his marital vows. In his first response Clinton infamously proclaimed "I did not have sexual relations with that woman (Lewinsky)"(Clinton). Though he later admitted, in this his second speech to the nation, to the affair he was impeached by the Republican controlled Congress.

Clinton attempts to obtain sympathy from the American people in his second "admittance “speech. He tries to accomplish this by saying that he is sorry that he has misled his people and his family, “I have misled people, including my wife and for that I am deeply sorry"(Clinton 4). He attempts to use the idea of shame, which most people in America have, and the idea of family forgiveness. These ideals are strong and may invoke many personal experiences for the audience. He also uses the technique of flag waving by evoking family because as a society Americans value family just below money. Let’s be honest in any modern society nothing comes before money.

Clinton attempts to establish his ethos by accepting what he has done. Though his credibility has been damaged by having an "inappropriate relationship" which seemed to be exacerbated by the fact that he was in power and lied about it, he, as well as others in his predicament, thought that by coming clean he would escape any major backlash. While it is unoriginal it seems to have worked since he is openly in politics today